What Was Your Typical Makeup Look in High School/College? - Makeup and Beauty Blog

Goodness, I don't even know where to offset! Uh…let's just say that I'one thousand glad there were no camera phones back so, because despite possibly thinking I was hot sh*t, I'm pretty sure I wasn't.
Aye, it would've been nice to take beauty blogs and YouTube dorsum and so… I'm but sayin'. 🙂
Allow'southward run into… Loftier school for me was the early '90s, and I liked to article of clothing bold lips back and so with black liner on my upper lash lines, foundation when I was in the mood for it, pressed powder, chroma, but NO mascara (I know! But my mom wouldn't allow me to vesture it for some reason.).
Oh, those brows…
Freshman year of high school, I wore Clinique Raspberry Glace almost daily. It was my starting time "big girl" lipstick, and information technology was my jam! Eventually, other colors worked their fashion into my loftier school life, like coppers, wines and reds, usually from drugstore lines like Covergirl, Wet 'N Wild and Revlon.
I distinctly retrieve wearing Revlon Cherries in the Snow all throughout junior year, mostly because most everyone in the flute section that year (Band GEEKS!) wore it during marching flavour.
Nerd alert! With my BFF Jen
College was a few years later in the mid-to-tardily '90s, and I remember wearing a lot of matte textures and browns…
Now that I recollect about it, though, I should take worn more glitter back then, considering if there'south e'er a time to get away with wearing the sparkly stuff on a daily basis, it would have been and so.
I was a total lip product junkie all throughout those years and wore A LOT of assuming lips, ofttimes MAC Paramount Lipstick.
Then, on my eyes, Clinique eyeshadow, liner and mascara (FINALLY!), which was partly out of convenience, as at that place was a Clinique counter inside the campus bookstore (I KNOW!).
Other than that counter, the closest mall was a xxx-minute bulldoze up the highway (this was Davis, California), where they had a MAC counter, and really, I was as well busy trying to memorize the Krebs Cycle to make that trip often.
How about you? What was your typical makeup expect in loftier school/college?
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
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Source: https://makeupandbeautyblog.com/just-for-fun/typical-makeup-look-high-schoolcollege/
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